NETS-2015 Home Page

The NETS 2015 Topical Meeting will be held at the Albuquerque Marriott in Albuquerque, NM on February 23-26, 2015.

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NETS Program
Program Corrections


Important Dates

Conference Dates: February 23-26, 2015
Abstract Submissions and Full Paper Intents Due: [extended] November 14, 2014
Abstract Reviewer Response to Submitters: December 1, 2014
Corrected Abstracts Due:
 December 15, 2014
Full Paper Submissions Due: [extended] January 5, 2015
Full Paper Reviewer Response to Submitters: February 2, 2015
Corrected Full Papers Due: February 26, 2015 (Last Day of Conference)

About the Meeting

In February 2015 the Aerospace Nuclear Science and Technology Division (ANSTD) of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) will hold the 2015 Nuclear and Emerging Technologies in Space (NETS 2015) topical meeting at the Albuquerque Marriott.

Topic Areas

NASA is currently considering capabilities for robotic and crewed missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond.  Strategies that implement advanced power and propulsion technologies, as well as radiation protection, will be important in accomplishing these missions in the future.  NETS serves as a major communications network and forum for professional and students working in the area of space nuclear technology.  Every year it facilitates the exchange of information among research and management personnel from international government, industry, academia, and the national laboratory systems.  The NETS 2015 meeting will address topics ranging from overviews of current programs to methods of meeting the challenges of future space endeavors.